Yemeni women support President’s initiative

SANA’A, March 03 (Saba) – Hundreds thousands of Yemeni women gathered on Thursday in the Capital Sana’a to support President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s initiative for dialogue. The participants carried out the national flag, President Saleh’s photos and banners that read “No for chaos and destruction” and “No for violence and intimidation”. They repeated chants against calls of chaos, violence and strife, and expressed their support for Yemen’s unity and stability and security. On another hand, Hajjah province witnessed a women’s massive march to confirm the support to the President’s initiative and his call for the national dialogue, and to stress their rejection of chaos, vandalism and ignition of sedition between the Yemeni people. In the same regard, Yemen Women Union (YWU)’s branch in Dalei province organized a women festival in Qatabah District to show support for the initiative of President Saleh. HA/BA Saba