Yemeni diplomat meets British official

LONDON, Sep. 22 (Saba) – Yemeni ambassador to London Abdullah al-Radhi met on Thursday in London with Chairman of the Group of Friends of Yemen in the British House of Commons Keith Vaz.Al-Radhi and Vaz reviewed the developments and the circumstances that have led to the last aggravation in the political crisis in the country.During the meeting, al-Radhi handed over to the British official a copy of the President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s decree giving a mandate to Vice President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi to conduct a dialogue with the parties signatories to the Gulf initiative and reach an agreement on a lasting mechanism for its implementation.Vaz welcomed the presidential decree, pointing to the necessity of reaching an agreement by way of dialogue. The British official expressed his country’s support to the stability and unity of Yemen.AF