Yemen, UK relations witness new era: President Saleh

LONDON,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh confirmed that that Yemen’s relations with Britain “witness a new era”, different form the previous. In an interview with the BBC Radio on Friday, president Saleh made it clear that his talks with Britain premier Tony Blair and the Britain officials have been successful as the two countries signed many agreements related to the British investments to Yemen, particularly in fields of free zones, seaports and the industrial areas. President Saleh said the British government granted Yemen £ 27 millions for developing education in Yemen. Regarding handing over Abu Hamza al-Masri who committed many terrorist actions in Yemen Saleh said “the Britain officials told us that Abu Hamza is currently in the custody of British authorities and under investigation and may be extradited to the United States of America although Yemen’s demand of extradition was the first”. “But we don’t oppose the extradition of Abu Hamza to US to try him over his crimes and terrorist acts” Saleh added. Regarding the Palestinian issue, Saleh pointed out that he discussed with the British officials the role of the United Kingdom to push peace process forward and practicing pressure on the Israeli government to implement the roadmap and stop building settlements in the Palestinian territories. He demanded the International community to treat the Palestinian detaineesas detainees of war because of their right struggle against Israeli occupation and they not terrorists. NA/NS SABA