VP receives President Saleh’s letter from Korean counterpart

SANA’A, Mar 6 (Saba) – Vice-President Abd al-Rab Mansur Hadi received on Saturday the Southern Korean Information and Communication Minister Chin Tae-Che, who handed him a letter from Southern Korea president Roh Moo-Hyun. The letter, addressed to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, dealt with bilateral relations and joint cooperation between the two countries as well as Korea’s intention to send a symbolic force to Iraq to support the humanitarian aid. The letter renewed invitation to President Saleh to visit South Korea. Hadi said during the meeting the relations between the two friendly countries are strong and deep-rooted. He underlined importance of developing the economic relations and various partnerships in the industrial field. He underscored that Korean investments would be granted all facilities to enhance the relations and common interests of the two friendly nations. NA/KM SABA