Vice president welcomes Mauritanian, Moroccan ambassadors

SANA’A, July 13(Saba)- Vice president Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi met on Wednesday the newly appointed ambassador of Morocco to Yemen Mohammad al-Tehami. Mansour welcomes the Moroccan diplomat and discussed with him the possibility of extending areas of mutual cooperation between Yemen and Morocco to serve common interests of the two peoples. They also discussed procedures should be quickly done for holding the Yemeni-Moroccan Joint Committee. Vice president assured al-Tehami would receive facilities and support of the government to ease his tasks. The Moroccan ambassador insisted the interest of Moroccan leadership and people to enhance collaboration relations with Yemen. On the other hand, the vice president received the new ambassador of Mauritania to Yemen al-Hassan Wild Mohammad who conveyed regards and thanks of the president Maaouya Ould Sid Ahmed Taya of Mauritania to President Ali Abdullah Saleh for the hospitality he received in his latest visit to Yemen. Mauritanian ambassador praised the great achievements obtained by Yemen on the developmental and democratic levels. NS/NS SABA