Vice president inspects development project in Hadramout

p align=”left”>SAYOIN, March 17 (Saba)-Vice President inspected on Tuesday a project of the stadium in Sayoin city of Hadramout governorate. The vice president listened from the director of the project over achievements and work process in the project, asking the director to finalize the work in the project on time in accordance with agreed technical standards. Meanwhile, the vice president held a meeting with members of the local councils and officials of the governorate over efforts of rebuilding affected regions due to the flood which hit the governorate last October of 2008. In the meeting, Hadi pointed out to the current arrangements to start phase of rebuilding these regions after finishing studies and designs. He pointed out to the development needs for the regions in the governorate in fields of health, water, education, electricity and roads, saying that the leadership represented by President Ali Abdullah Saleh concerns about the development process in the governorate. A HSaba