Three al-Qaeda escapees surrendered, others still in: president Saleh

SANA’A, Feb 26 (Saba)- Three escapees from the Political Security Organization prison early in February surrendered themselves to the security authorities and the others are still in Yemen, President Ali Abdullah Saleh said in an interview with al-Hayat weekly newspaper.

Saleh affirmed that Yemen will not extradite sheikh al-Zindani to the United States of America, pointing that Yemeni constitution prevents the extradition of any Yemeni citizen to any foreign authority.
“We are not the police of any other country. We are independent and have sovereignty” said Saleh.

Regarding the rebellion leader al-Houthi and his followers, Saleh affirmed that Yemeni authorities have documents proving that al-Houthi insurgence receives some support form inside and outside Yemen. But, he said, the supporting resources would not be named now.

“Thanks for our security authorities. The rebellion is about to finish,”Saleh added.

Saleh also affirmed his intention not to run the presidential elections next September.

The president confirmed that the cabinet reshuffle was necessary for the national interest and activating the government missions to make more development and reforms and to fight corruption.

Saleh described his last visit to Washington as “great and successful”,adding that the American side expressed appreciation for the Yemeni cooperationon fighting terrorism and praised the democratic experience in Yemen .

He also called for getting the whole region free from the weapons of mass destruction, saying that “Iran has the right to possess the nuclear energy to generate electricity and use it for other peaceful purposes.