Saleh’s visit to Bahrain productive, he says


SANA’A, March 28 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh has called his recent visit to the Bahraini kingdom very productive. Saleh said in an interview with the Bahraini Al-Ayyam newspaper, that during the visit the two countries thrashed out issues of mutual concern and ways to promote the bilateral relationship. The opening of an embassy for the kingdom in Yemen is one of the outcomes of the visit and a step that will help boost cooperation and ease difficulties facing investors in both countries. On the Yemeni-Bahraini Committee announced during the visit, Saleh said the committee will hold its first meeting in May with investment and economic issues on top of the agenda for the meeting which would be jointly chaired by Foreign Ministers of both countries. President Saleh also highlighted the trade volume between Yemen and Bahrain saying it amounts to $ 250 million annually. Answering a question on Yemen’s accession into the Gulf bloc, Saleh said Yemen has already joined several agencies at the bloc, denying that the GCC countries are reluctant for Yemen to join the bloc. In this regard, he said whether Yemen comes into the bloc or not, its ties with these countries remain cordial and serve stability in the region. On March 24, President Saleh launched a Gulf trip paying visits to the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain.FR