Saleh support fighting corruption efforts: Al-Anisi said

SANA’A, April 10 (Saba) – Director of the Presidency’s office Ali Mohammad al-Anisi confirmed here on Monday the support of President Ali Abdullah Saleh for all efforts exerted to enhance integration and partnership between all bodies to fight corruption and preserve the public funds.

He said in a workshop on fighting corruption, that included many representatives of the judicial authority, controlling bodies and other concerned bodies, that there are challenges and problems face fighting corruption efforts.

He stressed on the importance of transparency in discussing the phenomenon of the financial corruption and to deal objectively with the issue, pointing out that the judicial authority and controlling systems are the most important bodies that lead battles against corruption.

The workshop was organized by the Presidency Office, German Organization G.T.Z, Justice Ministry and the Central Organization for Controlling and Auditing (COCA).

For his part, German vice ambassador to Sana’a Steven Buchwald made it clear that the workshop is considered the first step toward corruption fighting, highly appreciating the developments in relations between Yemen
and Germany.