Saleh renews Yemen’s support to Palestinian issue

SANA’A, Dec.08 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh renewed here on Tuesday Yemen’s supportive positions to Palestinian people and their right to establish a stat on their national soil with its capital, al-Quds. This came during a meeting gathered President Saleh and the Political Bureau Chief of the Palestinian Hamas Movement, Khaled Mashaal and his accompanied delegation. In the meeting, Mashaal briefed Saleh on the situation developments in the Palestinian arena and the level reached by efforts of the reconciliation between the Palestinian factions. Mashaal praised Yemen’s supportive positions to the Palestinian issue and the right of Palestinian people to regain their legitimate rights and end the siege imposed on Gaza Strip. He affirmed Hamas’ supportive position to Yemen’s security, stability and unity. President Saleh emphasized the importance of achieving the Palestinian reconciliation so as to serve the Palestinian people issue and miss the opportunity for those who seek to sow discord and division amid them. BA Saba