Saleh meets people of Hamdan and Thela districts

SANA’A,Feb.13(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Sunday with sheikhs ,social figures, members of local councils, and leaders of civil society organizations in Hamdan District of Sana’a province. President Saleh talked to the attendants, praising the national honorable positions of the Hamdan’s men and their sacrifices in defending the homeland and its revolution, security, stability and unity. He noted that Yemeni people have become conscious and they could not be deceived. He pointed to what came in his initiative he announced during a joint meeting of Parliament and the Shura Council, including the package of reforms and the call for dialogue to ensure addressing all issues that concern to the homeland. At the meeting, the attendants expressed their support to President Saleh’s initiative, stressing the need for responding to it so as to keep the homeland away from chaos and violence. They confirmed that they would stand always by the homeland and its security, stability and unity. At the meeting, Saleh discussed with the attendants a number of developments that concern to the homeland and issues related to the citizens’ needs and their aspirations in the district. On another hand, President Saleh held a similar meeting with sheikhs, dignitaries, members of local councils, and leaders civil society organizations in Thela District of Amran province. President Saleh welcomed the people of Thela District, praising their national positions in defending the revolution, the republic and the unity and their support to the efforts of construction and development. At the meeting, Saleh got acquainted with their concerns and aspirations as well as their demands and needs. He pointed out that he would take in consideration their demands, directing the concerned agencies to add the demands within plans and budgets especially with regard to road and water projects. Saleh confirmed that the homeland is everyone’s responsibility, stressing the need for concerting efforts of all to achieve the country’s renaissance and progress. BA Saba