Saleh grants Jordanian ambassador Medal of May 22

SANA’A, Oct.25 (Saba)-President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Monday Jordanian ambassador to Yemen Ahmed Jaradat on the occasion of the end of his diplomatic term in Yemen. At the meeting, Saleh praised efforts made by the ambassador during his term in Yemen to enhance and develop the bilateral relations and areas of joint cooperation between Yemen and Jordan, so as to serve the common interests of the two countries. President Saleh granted Jaradat the Medal of Unity, the 22nd of May, in recognition of his efforts and active role in strengthening and activating the relations between the two countries, and as an expression of gratitude to the Jordanian positions towards Yemen’s unity and development. For his part, Jaradat voiced his thanks and appreciation for the care and attention he received by the concerned agencies in Yemen during his term, expressing pride of the Unity Medal, which reflects the depth of relations between the Yemeni and Jordanian peoples and leaderships. BA Saba