Saleh discusses mutual ties with German counterpart

BERLIN, Feb. 28 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh held a meeting on Thursday with German President Horst Koehler over means of reinforcing mutual relations and developing joint cooperation at the political, economic, technical, security, military and cultural level. The talks also focused on regional and international developments, specially in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, African Horn and the Iranian nuclear file. The German president affirmed his country’s keenness to support development and democracy process in Yemen, praising the Yemeni-German ties. He showed admiration to the positive changes seen in Yemen in the areas of democracy, development, freedom of press, women participation and reforms, pointing out to the similar views of both countries towards a number of regional and international developments. For his part, president Saleh commended the German support for Yemen for the process of democracy, development and reform, noting that the Yemeni-German relations are based on firm foundations. He pointed to the role Germany could play at the bilateral level and toward a number of current issues in the region for it enjoys an effective political role with many international parties. Saleh called the EU to have an active role to alleviate sufferings of the Palestinian people that result from the Israeli unjustified siege and press Israel to accept international legitimacy resolutions on the Arab-Israeli conflict so as to ensure establishing an independent Palestine and achieve inclusive peace in the region. He also called for supporting Somalia to realize peace and stability and re-establishing the government establishments for this serves stability in the African Horn region and combating terror. Moreover, president Saleh affirmed the importance of rich countries to support needy countries in order to overcome development challenges and poverty and limit unemployment, noting that this is the right way to follow to fight terrorism and extremism. As for Iraq and Lebanon, Saleh asserted the significance of offering help to support stability and unity and protect land of Iraq as well as standing by Lebanon to elect a president to fill the gap of this post. AM/AM Saba