Saleh calls neighboring countries to set up fund to support Yemen

SANA’A, Dec 4 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Saturday called on neighboring countries to establish a fund for supporting Yemen. Addressing participants in the 3rd conference of local councils, president Saleh said, “We open our markets for others. But why neighboring countries don’t work to set up a fund that to improve Yemen’s economic conditions.” This step was done by France and other European countries in encouraging poor European countries such as Spain and Portugal. He called on neighboring countries to open their markets for the Yemeni agricultural products.”How come- we say, we are brothers, and the foreigners offer us aid in development process, and our neighbors are turning the blind eye” he said.Meanwhile, president Saleh expressed wishes that the coming Arab summit in Algeria would come with new decisions that fit with new international changes even in partnership, terror fighting or liberation of trade. AH/TN SABA