President’s call for lower dowries meets acclaim of citizens

SANA’A, August 22, (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s recent call for lower dowries and end to lavish expenditures on weddings has met the acclaim of leaders of many opposition parties. The Head of the Public Circle of the Yemen Socialist Party Mahdi Abdullah said the political parties “especially the Joint Meeting Parties” have to take seriously the call of the President. We are all against extravagance in conduction of wedding ceremonies. And people have to make access to conjugal life easier.” He added that “the Central Committee of the party would dedicate its next meeting for discussing President Saleh’s admonitions”. The Secretary of the Social Affairs Circle of the Islah Abdul-Qahir al-Hamidi welcomed President Saleh’s admonitions saying that all political parties and social organizations should cooperate in putting an end to the bad phenomenon. President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in his recent visit to Ibb called on people to put an end to boasting wealth in their weddings and urged cheaper dowries to give the single people an easier access to marriage. AA/AA SABA