President’s address on 14th October anniversary

ADEN, Oct 14, (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh delivered an address in a carnival at May 22 Stadium, Aden, marking the 40th anniversary of 14th October Revolution. “Today, we honor the memory of the jolly 14th October Revolution in its 40th anniversary. The revolution erupted in the impregnable mounts of Radfan to force the occupation out of the homeland,” said Saleh opening his speech. “However lengthy an occupation might be, it must come to an end. The occupants encroached the north of Yemen for over 130 years, but they were eventually forced out as all the citizens were involved in resisting the occupation,” added the President. He said: “No mercy at all for those who collaborated with occupation but were driven out together with the occupants in return.” Saleh said that “any Arab country will force out those who host the occupants before it drives out the occupants themselves.” “Today we are celebrating in the country’s glorious city of Aden, the trade and economic hub. The whole nation, not only the population of Aden, are overpowered by ecstasy over the this great occasion. This makes lucid how identical the 26th September and 14th October revolutions are identical to each other.” Recalling the struggle of the heroes, Saleh prayed for the rest of the souls which were sacrificed in defense of “the revolution, republic emergence and unification.” ‘It is high time,’ the President continued, ‘to transform [ the country] from the revolutionary legitimacy to a state of law and order, boost the economy, development, freedom and principles of respecting opposing viewpoints.’ ” [It is] A transformation toward human building and central state building in a manner that serves development and economy, apart from overstating and devotees mobilizing’ President Saleh elaborated. H.E gave the nation the “glad tidings” of new oil discoveries “in the eastern and central provinces.” According to President Saleh “commercial quantities” of oil estimated to be 390 million barrels of oil were discovered. “More oil and gas discoveries are yet to come” however. “We are seeing really actions in realms of constructing roads, telecommunication networks and education facilities.” Shifting focus to regional issues, Saleh started saying “What is most passion-stirring on the media of today is the Zionist terrorism. However, the foreign media is seen to have unfairly entrenched terrorism accusations against Arabs and Muslems. “Zionists were the nucleus and teachers of terrorism. We are viewing massacres against Palestinian children and women.” He called for awakening the Arab nations to align together and respond to intellectual terrorism being exercised against them. “Presently we are in need for common work” in order to withstand challenges facing the Arab and Moslem worlds. President Saleh blamed the Arab world for the impotence due to which the “ball is now in the court of the Arab and Moslem world.” “How come? They [ terrorists] are merely some individuals in the Arab and Islamic world, and we are being under the hammer to fight combat [the overstated] terror. Eliminate terror inside the US and Europe first, so that we as an Arab Ummah can be held the ones responsible for fighting terrorism.” “We are the very victims of terrorism. Terrorism like that which happened to the USS Cole Destroyer and the oil tanker in Hadramout. We are suffering from terrorism and we are battling against it. We really don’t need to be taught how to fight terrorism. We shoulder our national responsibilities in front of the others. We deal with issues one by one. Our security authorities are extensively investigating terror suspects. We have started to right up the misleading thoughts of some elements, as well. We have forgiventhose haven’t yet been red-handed in terrorism. This is what the supreme interests of the nation entail.” Finally President Saleh congratulated the nation again on the jolly anniversary and thanked the organizers of the event. AA/AA President Address – 14th October anniversary – Aden SABA