President: Yemen does well in terror fight

SANA’A,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh said on Tuesday that Yemen cooperates with international community in fighting terror. Pointing out cooperation increased following USS Cole warship and French Tanker “Limburg” bombing in the Yemeni ports. “We got controlled terror elements who are in prisons. And we hold dialogue with them to get them back to right way” President Saleh said in a press conference held with representatives of Italian mass media. Regarding US support in fighting terror, he pointed out that US supportwas limited. ” they promise us to offer aid through donors and we are looking for active aids especially in domain of combating poverty and reducing inflation”Saleh said. He added that Yemen had adopted democracy and the Yemeni people are looking for real support to reform the economic sector. Regarding bilateral relations links Yemen and Italy, president Saleh said” we have the desire to extend bilateral relations through tripartite committee joins Italy, Turkey and Yemen. The committee formed after the8G conference held in United States.” He said that his forth-coming visit to Italy next November would contributein extending fields of technical and development cooperation, pointing out to the cooperation between the two country in coastguard.Regarding Yemen efforts in fighting terrorism, president Saleh said cooperation in terror fight goes on in for better and Yemen has achieved great progressand it does well in this scale.We need support in development field support than fighting terror as Yemen controlled more than 90% of what so-called terror acts that happenedor expected to be happened , he said. Regarding expected results of his visit to Italy, president said ” we need from Italian government to cooperate with us in sphere of coastguardat first rank. He expressed desire of Yemen to widen fields of the cooperationwith Italian government in culture, trade and development fields. AH/TNSABA