President visits Marib Governorate

ARIB, March 6, (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited the eastern Governorate of Marib on Saturday as part of his several-province tour to launch new public services and development-spurring projects. Upon arrival in the Governorate, President Saleh was welcomed by Marib Governor Abdullah A. Al-Nasi, senior government officials and citizens. He delivered a speech expressing his pleasure to be in the province to listen to the citizens report about the needs of their areas especially vital services and projects. Saleh urged the citizens to intensify their cooperation with the state-run sectors so that more services can be provided more easily. He also urged sheikhs and other high-profile chieftains and ordinary citizens of Maarib to hammer out a 5-year reconciliation agreement for total quit of revenge acts. President Saleh said that people have better bequeath knowledge than revenge and useless atrocity acts to the succeeding generations. disputes. At a meeting with citizens and government officials, Marib Governor Abdullah Al-Nissi highlighted the vitality of the projects implemented in Marib throughout last year at a cost of more than YR. 1.02 billion. He added that the Central Authority allocated more than YR 1.35 billion for projects to be implemented in Marib. President Saleh had visited the 37th Armored, 23rd Mechanic and 111th Infantry Brigades earlier in the morning as he inspected training programs and talked to the brigade officers. He spoke highly of the high morale of the forces, but urged trainings be intensified there. KN/AASABA