President visits French Senate

PARIS, April 14 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited on Wednesday the French Senate Council in Luxemburg palace in Paris. Chairman of the congress Christian Ansolea greeted welcomed Saleh and discussed the Yemeni-French distinguished ties and the democratic system in Yemen. Ansolea said that Yemen represents a type of democracy and stability of the political system and it has a great role in supporting peace and security in the region. He also highly appreciated the Yemeni anti-terrorism efforts and the Yemeni efforts to follow up case of the French oil tank Lemburg and arrest the suspects. He affirmed the French support to development and democracy in Yemen and said that Yemen and France agree in many issues such as Iraqi and Palestinian issues as well as ranks of the two countries towards fighting terrorism and restoring peace in the Horn of Africa. On hid part, President Saleh praised the Yemeni-French relations and cooperation in various fields such as political, economical, cultural and security fields. Saleh also explained the Yemeni views on the Iraqi issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict. He affirmed importance of the U.N. role to restore peace in the region and enable the Palestinians to establish their state and help Iraqis to end the occupation. JW/KM SABA