President visits Dhamar and Ibb

DHAMAR, May 08(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh made a tour on Monday including Dhamar and Ibb governorates where he was received by governors and officials to inspect situations.

In his visit to Dhamar, president Saleh delivered a speech in which he expressed his happiness to visit the governorate, pointing out to the developmental projects achieved in the governorate.

He urged officials to continue efforts to set up further services projects in the governorate, at the top of which are roads and dams.
He affirmed that the sum of social aids should be paid in accordance with scientific studies and for poor people not for rich people and sheikhs, calling on researchers in the social affairs to go to all villages to record people who deserve pension salary.

He called on all officials in the governorates to gather efforts to carryout plans and programs of the local council and tackle issues of the citizens.

He called on all to shoulder responsibility over the coming elections and compete through programs not defamations.

He congratulated Yemeni people on the 16th anniversary of unification to be held in the coming days in Hodeida governorate, calling all to cooperate to realize public interests.

Then, president paid a visit to the camp of the Republican Guards where he was briefed on training programs in different military fields.

During his meeting with soldiers, president Saleh emphasized on the importance of training for building military capabilities and skills to defend security and stability of the country.

He indicated to the role of the solider in protecting development process and maintaining security and stability in the country. “No development without strong army,” he said.

He affirmed that the military and security forces would receive all sponsorship of the leadership, government and people as they are example of immolation, wishing al fighters further progress in their tasks to server the nation.

During his visit to Ibb, president Saleh held a meeting with members of the local council executive offices, social figures, representatives of non-governmental organizations and security and military commanders in the governorate.
In the meeting, he discussed with them projects which were achieved in different fields, pointing out to the importance of pacing measures to carry out all blocked projects.

He said that plans and alternatives should be put by the local council to reduce the rate of unemployment through creating job opportunities.

He gave orders to transfer the central allocations for setting projects, YR 50 million, to the council to carry out those projects.

He highlighted successes achieved by local councils across the country during the previous years.

He pointed out to the current arrangements for the presidential and local elections, saying that the political powers should avoid disputes and deal wisely with the country interests.

He also met on Monday afternoon with intellectuals and scholars and representatives of non-governmental organizations and social figures
in Ibb.

The meeting focused on issues of citizens in the governorate and their needs of projects in field of roads, dams, electricity and education.

They expressed their happiness to choose Ibb to host celebrations on the 17th anniversary of the unity.