President Salerh says region must be WMD-free

SANA’A, June 9 (Saba) -President Ali Abdullah Saleh renewed on Thursday the stance of Yemen as one of firm rejection of possession of WMD by any country in the region, mainly Israel. In a meeting with the secretary of Iran’s Higher Council of National Security Hassan Rowhani who was on a visit to Yemen on Thursday, President Saleh’s aid Iran “has the right to own nuclear technologies for pacific purposes just like other world countries”. The president said Yemen was keen to further develop its ties and cooperation with Iran in all fields. The Iranian official briefed president Saleh on the nuclear file of Iran, confirming commitment of Iran to use the atomic energy in peaceful uses. He said that Iran is keen to further its relations with Yemen and cooperation especialy in field of fighting terror. The Iranian official conveyed Iranian president Mohammed Khatami’s wishes of welfare for president Saleh and the whole people. Other areas which talks focused on include security, economy, investment,health and culture. AH/AA SABA