President Saleh’s Eid Al-Fitr address

SANA’A, Nov 24 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh addressed the nation on the Eid Al-Fitr (or Feast) Monday urging the citizens to pay Zakat, “the second religious obligation after Ramadan fasting.” After saying that “we summon patience as we bid farewell” to the holy month, he pointed to the imperative of genuine commitment to assisting the poor and doing acts that promote alignment between all categories of the society. After Ramadan comes the Zakat payment, the next duty that every Moslem should do before going for the Eid Al-Fitr prayer to make others happy, he said. “This is different from the Zakat payment, a certain money that should be paid to the state, the one in charge of the welfare of the citizens.” The President said the Zakat payment as the “3rd pillar of Islam” is integral to the spiritual life of the Moslem individual. He slammed the “use of mosques” by some people for misleading the citizens about where the Zakat amounts of money should go at the end. “Such people reflect their worries about their illegal [selfish] interests at the expense of the interests of the nation,” he said. “Now at their best, the Zakat revenues have amounted to YR 3.5 billion, much below the estimations of the concerned economic authorities who projected an amount above YR 50 billion. Nonetheless, the state’s regular expenditures on orphans, poor and disabled care surpass YR 20 billion. Those expenditures bring advantage for 560,000 families, he said. “Strengthening economic development and maintaining administrative and financial reforms will remain high on the priorities of the Government which has gained the confidence of the people’s representatives.” This, Saleh made clear, entails on the Government to pay a great deal of attention to the improvement of the people’s standard of living through encouraging investments that generate more job opportunities for the people by removing corruption in all ports of entry to the country. “Building the nation is the responsibility of everyone, it is a national and religious duty that none can evade since the country is ours all. Based on this fact, Saleh continued, we have called on all the citizens for more alignment, promotion of tolerance and fraternity values.” President Saleh said it “brings too much regret” that the Eid Al-Fitr comes when the Palestinians are severely suffering under the Israeli occupation and terrorism amid situations of injustice and double-standard policies. “The continued deterioration of security political, cultural and economic situations in Iraq brings more unbearable pains to the wounds of the Moslem and Arab world.” “We have reiterated that there is no other way to get out of the tragically deterioration developments in Iraq than empowering the brotherly people of Iraq to rule themselves and ending the occupation of their country.” As for terror affairs, President Saleh labeled terrorism as the “evil of today” which undermines the global peace and stability. He blamed the extremist ideas on the “deviation” of some young people. “On this occasion, we highly appreciate the efforts of the Scholars Committee of Dialogue with Militants for re-educated the young people who were misled outside. We also thank the positive reaction of the young people who pledged to reject violence and extremism.” President Saleh concluded his address greeting the Armed Forces for their commitment. AA/KM Yemen invites Tunisia to Democracy Conference TUNISIA, Nov 24 (Saba) – Parliament Speaker Sheikh Abdullah Bin H.Al-Ahmar has invited the Speaker of the Tunisia Parliament, Fuad Al-Mubazi’a to attend the Democracy and Human Rights Conference which will take place in Sana’a, 10-12 January.Yemen’s Ambassador to Tunisia, Abdul-Malik Mansoor handed the letter to the Tunisian official during talks Monday. AA/AA SABA President receives congrats from Saudi leadership SANA’A, Nov.24 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Monday received cables of good wishes from the Saudi King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz and the Saudi Minister of Defense and Aviation, His Highness Sultan Bin Abdul-Aziz on the fall of Eid Al-Fitr. The Saudi leaders expressed their wishes of welfare for President Saleh and prosperity for the nation of Yemen. AA/AA SABA Emigrants minister to visit Saudi Arabia SANA’A, Nov.24(Saba)- Minister of Emigrants Affairs Abdu Ali Al-Qobati is going to visit Saudi Arabia next month to closely inspect the Yemeni emigrants in the kingdom. This visit comes after the Cabinet’s decision to form a committee, headed by minister of emigrant affairs and concerning bodies in the ministry to follow emigrants affairs in other countries. The ministry is aiming to enhance communication between the ministry and Yemeni emigrants and expatriates in other countries. JW/NS SABA President receives thank-you from Mexican leader SANA’A, Nov 24, (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received a thank-you telegram from the Mexican leader Vicente Fox in return for congratulations cable he earlier sent to him on the Independence Day of Mexico. AA/AA SABA President exchanges congratulations with counterparts SANA’A, Nov.24 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh has exchanged cables of congratulations with a number of the Arab and Islamic leaders on the fall of Eid Al-Fitr occasion. Most recently, he received congratulations from the Sultan of Oman Qaboos Bin Said, King of Jordan Abdullah II and the Emir of Qatar Hamad Bin Khalifa Ala Thani. JW/NS/AA SABA President Saleh receives congratulations on Eid al-Fitr SANA’A, Nov.24 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received cables of congratulations from a number of Arab and Islamic leaders on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. On the other hand, president Saleh sent cables of congratulations to all Arab and Islamic leaders on the same occasion. JW/NS SABA Emigrants minister to visit Saudi Arabia SANA’A, Nov.24(Saba)- Minister of Emigrants Affairs Abdu Ali Al-Qobati is going to visit Saudi Arabia next month to closely inspect the Yemeni emigrants in the kingdom. This visit comes after the Cabinet’s decision to form a committee, headed by minister of emigrant affairs and concerning bodies in the ministry to follow emigrants affairs in other countries. The ministry is aiming to enhance communication between the ministry and Yemeni emigrants and expatriates in other countries. JW/NS SABA SABA