President Saleh welcomes German investments

BERLIN, Nov 24(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Wednesday in the German House of Economy with heads of the biggest German companies and members of German and Arab trade chambers. In the meeting, president Saleh expressed pleasure to meet senior businessmen in Germany and said the meeting would help deepen friendship relations between Yemen and Germany. President Saleh recalled the German investment in Yemen which, he said,gained and would gain his special concern as well as the concern of Yemenigovernment and people who respect German friendly people, pointing that tourism has the first priority of economic reforms. ” Despite tourism in Yemen suffered form a lot of challenges in the past,the German friends have been adherent to counter such challenges. They have not been affected by all events that took place in Yemen, but they continued to come to Yemen for more investments in various areas,” saidpresident. He pointed to the investment opportunities in Yemen in field of industry,oil exploration, tourism, fishery wealth, energy and other fields.”We and other countries in the region seek together to save investments and make real partnership in investment areas. Many German companies haveal ready succeeded in Yemen and obtained great earns, said president. He confirmed that the situation in Yemen now is better that the past. NS/NS SABA