President Saleh warns against gas, oil derivatives monopoly

SANA’A, Jan 16(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid here on Sunday a visit to the Ministry of Oil and Minerals where he was briefed on the progress in terms of oil explorations and discoveries. In addition, the President was acquainted with steps taken pertaining to natural liquidated gas exportation. Minister of Oil and Minerals Rashad Saleh Baraba said that an agreement on binding principles was initially signed between Yemeni Company for Natural Liquidated Gas and the South Korean Cogas. “According to the agreement, about 3.300.000 tons of Yemeni natural liquidated gas will be sold to South Korea, Minister of Oil stated. A number of international companies were chosen to sell 2.5 million tons of liquidated gas in US markets, and contracts will be signed with the best of these companies by the end of this January, said Baraba. Good enough quantities of iron and raw materials of cement were discovered in Yemen. This will give opportunity for investors to establish cement factories in Marib, where raw materials were discovered, Minister pointed out. Moreover, the Ministry is due to inaugurate lead and zinc mines in Nihma rea of Sana’a, Minister said. President gave orders to accelerate procedures of explorations and gas exportations. He also issued directives to establish additional units for producing gas for house applications, and to allow businessmen investin this field. Saleh emphasized on necessity to ban monopoly of gas and other petroleum materials, for such practice is considered to be type of corruption and it harms public interests so it must be forcefully stopped. In this regard, he gave directives to ministries of oil, interior andjustice to take strict actions against those who store petroleum materials with the intention of increasing prices and to withdraw their licenses. Ministry of Oil and Yemeni economic corporations should secure the delivery of petroleum materials to the market, Saleh said. People or bodies must not intervene in activities of the Oil Ministry or its corporations, and the Ministry should refuse any commands not incompliance with laws, Saleh insisted. President said that the Oil Ministry should minimize employment in its headquarters, branches and corporations. Employment should limit to rare competences and expertise the Ministry in need of, and surplus labor must be disposed of, so that to raise efficiency of performance, President said. Saleh said that the Ministry has to findits own permanent premises, instead of rented ones in order to decrease expenditure. KN/NS SABA