President Saleh visits number of armed forces camps

SANA’A, Nov.16 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh visited on Monday a number of armed forces camps. During the visit, the president got acquainted with the soldiers’ conditions in those camps and the training process as well as the implementation level of training plan for 2009. Specking to the soldiers, Saleh praised their high moral spirit and efforts exerted in the training field, pointing the importance of training in the soldier life. He pointed out the great progress achieved by the armed forces and security at the level of construction and modernization and enhancing their defending and security capabilities to cope with all variables and latest military equipments. Saleh hailed the great role of the armed forces institution in serving the homeland and protecting its security, stability, sovereignty and independence and preserving its achievements, noting the remarkable victories recorded by the armed forces and security in confronting the rebel and sabotage gangs in Saada province. “Our armed forces and security has always demonstrated that it is the major national institution and the safety valve for the national march”, Saleh said affirming that it will remain the solid rock on which the enemies’ conspiracies are shattered. The president emphasized the loyalty to this great national institution and offering all care and concern for the soldiers in appreciation for their national duty. Concluding his speech, the president affirmed that the construction and modernization process in the armed forces and security institution will continue according to the best and latest principles and standards. BA Saba