President Saleh to be awarded civilizations dialogue medal

SANA’A, Nov 1 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh would be awarded a medal of A civilizations dialogue 2004 by the Russian National Glory Center in recognition for his great achievements in democracy and his wisdom in solving various national issues. A Russian delegation, including a number of officials in the Russian government, Russian National Glory Center (RNGC) and Duma council will arrive in Sana’a on November 21 in a several-day visit for the medal decoration ceremony. RNGC’s chairman Vladimir Bakonen said President Saleh is a great leader who made a clear impression on his people’s life, embodied good values and aspects of civilizations dialogue. Bakonen highlighted President Saleh’s great role in keeping civil peace in a country with various political parties, as well as solving the terrorism problem by dialogue. JW/KM SABA