President Saleh to arrive in Paris on Sunday

PARIS, Nov 12 (Saba) – It is scheduled that President Ali Abdullah Saleh is to arrive to the French capital Paris on Sunday on a three-day state visit at the invitation of French President Jacques Chirac.

The visit is the third leg in a tour that has already taken President Saleh to Japan and the United States.

Saleh would hold many talks with Chirac on the bilateral relations and horizons of developing them at all levels.

The two leaders would also discuss the latest developments on the regional and international arenas.

During the visit, Saleh would also hold talks with French state officials including French President’s advisor Dominique Bushei, Foreign Minister Do Sablazi, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, Defense Minister Michele Alliot Marie.

The talks would focus on developing relations between the two countries.

In remarks to Saba, Yemen’s ambassador to Paris Ahmad Mohammad Salamah said the visit’s agenda includes several activities including a visit to the Senate council and attending a carnival
marking the 60 anniversary of the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization UNESCO where President Saleh would deliver
a speech.

Ba-Salamah said President Saleh would meet with many French businesspersons and investors to discuss the available ways to develop economic and trade cooperation between Yemen and France.