President Saleh speech on Unification Day

Dear Fellow Citizens in Yemen and abroad.
It is my pleasure to express my best wishes and greetings and congratulate all Yemeni men, women, youths and elders on the 20th. anniversary of the national day and the elapse of two decades on the achievement of the homeland’s unity and the establishment of the Republic of Yemen on the 22nd. of May 1990.
The reunion of the Yemeni family and reunification of the Yemeni people rank has been achieved on this great national occasion. Unity has restored dignity of people and respectful status, strength and pride of Yemen and has closed down and forever separation and division. A new Yemen was born the Yemen of freedom, democracy, development and comprehensive prosperity and progress.
Dear Fellow Citizens
Celebrations of our people on the occasion of the national day of the Republic of Yemen coincide with the achievement of great accomplishments and changes at all political, development, democratic, social and cultural and other fields.
During celebrations of this anniversary inauguration and laying down foundation stones of a number of development and service projects by the government and the private sector would take place.
In spite of the political and financial challenges our country has faced and challenges of the world financial crisis which badly affected the strongest world economies, we have achieved great accomplishments at the levels of construction, development, democracy and social progress. We would keep focusing on improving the living standard of people and continuing the process of construction and development in the homeland with the aim of achieving a free, dignified, safe and prosperous life for citizens.
We express our thanks and appreciation for all brotherly and friendly countries which supported Yemen, its unity and development mainly the brotherly states of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Friends of Yemen Group.
We direct the government to continue the process of the reforms and enhance the national economy through implementing further strategic projects which create job opportunities for youths and reduce rates of poverty and unemployment as well as to start implementing the gas pipe line project from Marib to Maabar, modernization of Aden oil refinery, energy, petrochemicals, cement and housing projects and promoting for investment and tourism and pushing forward the process of development which needs every one’s cooperation for enhancing security and stability. There would be no development without security and stability.
Dear Fellow Citizens
We call upon all political parties and organizations and citizens inside and outside the homeland to carry out a responsible national dialogue within the framework of our constitutional institutions without preconditions or obstacles. The basic foundation of such dialogue should be the February agreement signed between the General People’s Congress and the Joint Meeting Parties represented in the parliament. The aim of the dialogue should be the construction of the Yemen of 22nd of May, 26th of September and 14th of October and bolstering the build up of the state of law and order and abandoning limited visions, political tactics, racial prejudiced, selfishness, individual, regional, sectarian and racist radicalism. Every one should grow up as the homeland has become big with its blessed unity.
It is absolutely forbidden for any one who belongs to this homeland to carry out acts of sabotage and harm the homeland and citizens’ interests. The homeland belongs to all of us and big enough for every one.
We welcome national partnership with all political forces in light of the constitution and law and within the framework of a collective agreement.
In light of the results of dialogue, a government could be formed from all influential political forces represented in the parliament especially the basic partner in achieving unity and our partners to defend it with the aim of holding parliamentary elections on its scheduled date in light of the constitutional legitimacy and political pluralism. This reflects our keenness to turn over a new page and eliminate impacts resulted by the 1993 crisis and the 1994 summer war.
On this great national occasion we give our directives to release all detainees on the background of the sedition created by the Houthies in Saada and also detainees who violated the law in some directorates in the provinces of Lahaj, Abyan and Al-Dhalaae.
We hope they would benefit from this amnesty and become good citizens.
We also announce awarding all fighters of the armed and security forces, air forces and air defence and the popular forces, which heroically fought in the northern western zone, the medal of duty and bravery.
Pieces of land for building houses would be also given to families of martyrs and handicapped personnel of the armed and security forces and the popular forces in recognition of the national duty they carried out defending the revolution, the republic and security and stability.
Dear Fellow Citizens
As we celebrate on this dear national occasion, we express our greetings and appreciation for the armed and security forces protectors of the homeland that carry out their duties in a complete heroic and honest way.
We confirm that efforts will continue to cement the process of construction and modernization of the military and security institutions and providing all care and support for their affiliates.
We also highly value successes achieved by our security apparatuses in counter terrorism field and we call for consolidating efforts of every one in the homeland and to work as one team to counter terrorism which damages the homeland, development, and citizens’ interests and threatens security and social stability.
We reiterate that there is no place for terrorism and extremism in the Yemen of faith, wisdom, reasonability and peace.
Dear Fellow Citizens in the Arab and Islamic world
The current challenges our nation is facing require unity of ranks and enhancement of solidarity, integration and coordination as well as activation of joint Arab work, developing its mechanisms in order to cope with all challenges and serve the supreme interests of the nation.
We feel sorrow and sadness while we follow up sufferings of the Arab Palestinian people as a result of the unfair siege and violation of its human rights by Israel.
We call upon the international community on top of which the United States of America and permanent member states of the UN Security Council to use pressure on Israel to accept peace and implement the international legitimacy resolutions related to the Arab Israeli conflict in a way that would end the Israeli occupation of the occupied Arab territories in Palestine, Golan, South Lebanon and the establishment of the independent Palestinian state on the Palestinian national soil with its capital Al-Quds ( Jerusalem ).
We renew our call to stand with the brotherly people of Somalia, who was exhausted by wars as well as to support efforts of the transitional government to maintain security and stability, restore the construction of the Somali state’s institutions and the return of thousands of Somali refugees to live peacefully and safely in their country.
We highly value efforts exerted by the brotherly Sudan with the aim of maintaining peace and resolving the problem of Darfur. We reiterate our support for Sudan, its security, stability, sovereignty and unity.
To conclude, once again on this valuable national occasion I renew my best wishes and congratulations to you all. I ask Allah the Almighty to give mercy and forgiveness to martyrs of the homeland.
May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of God Be Upon You