President Saleh speaks at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

SANA’A, Feb. 29 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh said the relations between Yemen and Germany have been improving, bringing up the two countries’ experiences of unification saying the two experiences were similar and took place in close time. Speaking to people at the German Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Organization in Berlin, President Saleh brought up what Yemen suffered during 92-93-94, affirming Yemen has beaten the enemies of the unity and development. President Saleh pointed his country had three electoral rounds based on multiparty participation and that were associated with transparency and international observation. “It is fact Yemen is poor country, nevertheless, it is a human wealth rich state.” Saleh voiced, pointing the population growth represents a major challenge to the country that consumes Yemen’s limited resources revenues. Recently, Yemen resorted to new methods to build the country’s economy and to create development projects through donations and aids provided by international donors. Many conferences and meetings were held with donors in a move to grab aids from the donors and it could get $5 billion to be used over five years. President also talked to the audience on the role of Yemen in the global fight against the terrorism. President also brought up the Israeli-Arab conflict, calling on European states to exert pressure on Israel to implement the UN resolutions. President said that Muslims, Christians, Jews and other religions followers are to respect each other believes. President Saleh urged the European countries to take real actions towards the Danish newspapers which print the cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed of Muslims. “Yemen has new plans to have amendments to the constitution to give more power for local governance and providing more domestic resources to local councils.” President said. “Yemen is like any other countries affected by terrorism which harms the image of Yemen and damages the economy.” Saleh voiced. FR/YA Saba