President Saleh receives women demonstrators

SANA’A, Aug. 20 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh and vice president Abdu Rabo Mansour Hadi received on Sunday women demonstrators from differentpolitical parties and civil society organizations who marched to the presidency palace to protest the parties ignorance to give them more seats in local councils. The demonstrators expressed their objection to the ignoring of some parties for women as candidates for the coming local elections. “Our system is multiparty and admits the right of all to participate in the political life and woman is the half of community and she has to bea partner for the man in different political sides,” said Saleh. Saleh called all the political powers to commit to their promises and give women their rights in the participation in the political life as voters and candidates. “The Yemeni women should enjoy all rights. Woman has a great history and she is a real partnership for man”, said Saleh , adding that SCER said that 42 women were included as candidates for the General Peoples Congress. “If the political parties do not nominate you, you can run the elections as independents and you will get all the support from SCER,” he said.”Woman now is a professor in university, doctor, teacher, ambassador andminister. We will work to give her all rights to participate activelyin different fields.” President said he wished if there were female candidates in the upcoming presidential elections. He said that he would talk with SCER and other parties to determine 15 % of local seats for women, asking the GPC to do fulfill its promisesto women in this regard. TD/AH/NS SABA