President Saleh receives Turkish Interior Minister

SANA’A, March 1(Saba)-President Ali Abdullah Saleh received in Sana’a on Thursday Turkish Interior Minister, Abdulkadir Aksu. During the meeting, the Turkish minister conveyed president Saleh the best wishes of President Ahmet Necdet Sezer of Turkish Republic and of Prime Minister Rajab Tayyip Erdogan and wished more development and prosperity for the Yemeni people. The Turkish minister praised Yemen’s democracy, considering it a unique example in the region. He pointed out to efforts excreted by Yemen in the field of combating terror, saying that those efforts made Yemen respectful at international level. He said that Turkey expected that the coming visit of president Saleh to Turkey this year would further ties and horizons of the mutual cooperationbetween the two countries. He said that the visit would enhance relations and cooperation between the two countries. On his part, president Saleh welcomed the minister and the accompanying delegation, pointing out to the historical brotherly relations betweenYemen and Turkey. He confirmed Yemen’s support to Turkey in regional and international fronts regarding its entry to European Union and reaching to just and inclusive solutions to Cyprus issue. The president re-welcomed Turkish companies to invest in Yemen, saying that they would get all facilities and support in different fields, especiallyin Aden Free Zone. Then, the president discussed with the Turkish minister security cooperation between the two countries, especially in fighting terrorism. They also reviewed latest regional and international developments, particularly in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Sudan as well as Iran nuclear file. The president conveyed the minister his best wishes to the Turkish presidentand the Prime Minister, whishing them good health and continuous developmentand prosperity for the Turkish people. MS/AH SABA