President Saleh receives phone call from Saudi official

RIYADH, June 15 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh Wednesday received a telephone call from Saudi Assistant Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Naif to reassure about his healthy condition. In the conversation, Prince Mohammed congratulated President Saleh on his recovery after the terrorist attack which targeted him along with a number of senior Yemeni officials in the mosque of the presidential palace in Sana’a, wishing him good health and wellness. The Saudi official also confirmed his country’s attitude toward Yemen’s unity, security and stability, hoping to Yemen and its brotherly people further progress and prosperity. For his part, President Saleh expressed thanks and appreciation to the Saudi leadership and people for attention which he and senior officials received in Saudi hospitals. The President affirmed that his healthy condition and the officials’ who are being treated in Saudi Arabia are continually improving, appreciating the efforts made by the brothers in Saudi Arabia and their attitudes toward Yemen to overcome its current crisis. YA Saba