President Saleh receives American ambassador

SANA’A,(Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh received here on Wednesday the ambassador of USA to Sana’a Thomas Krajeski.

In the meeting the two men discussed the bilateral relations and terms of mutual cooperation between the two countries after the successful visit of president Saleh to America.

They also reviewed talks between president Saleh with American president Gorge W. Bush and US officials who have concerns over common interests
between two peoples.

Krajeski confirmed the satisfaction of the American administration over the outcomes of president Saleh’s visit and fruitful discussions.

He said that Bush had assured that President Saleh was able to deal with difficulties that face Yemen and that US administration highly evaluates
Yemen cooperation on fighting terrorism.

He also affirmed that America would continue supporting reforms in Yemen and democratic trends and that it support Yemen to get more aids from
international organizations and donor countries.