President Saleh promises severe punishment for people attacking military

SANA’A, Nov. 21 (Saba) – A speech was delivered on Saturday by President Ali Abdullah Saleh during a visit to the 4th Brigade Republican Guard corps in Sana’a. I salute the brothers, officers, and soldiers of the 4th Brigade Republican Guard. I am glad to visit the brigade, the symbol of the Republican Guard forces. I salute the Republican Guard’s personnel and the armed and security forces all across the country, for they are the safety valve of the revolution and of security and stability. Even after the breaches in the past few months by lawless elements and those who violate the legitimacy and law, the military institution has remained the safety valve of the revolution, unity, democracy, development, security and stability. I salute you, officers and soldiers across the country. I salute you from the 1948 camp, no matter where you are. I salute your persistence; I salute you for not caring about rumours and hateful news spread by lawless elements and gangs damaging the homeland. Honourable officers and staff in Bab al-Mandab, Abyan, Hadramout, Shabwa, Lahj, Taiz, Hudiedah, Hajjah, Saada, Marib, Jawf, Dhamar, Baydah, Mahrah, Ibb, and everywhere across the country. You have foiled the plots of the revolution’s enemies, deserters, mercenaries, and defeated elements. You have beaten the arms dealers with your bravery and persistence even if they turned into elements of sabotage. All their plots and propaganda were crushed. They had nothing left but explosive devices that they sneak inside camps and bases through some agents and hireling individuals so as to strike our valiant officers and soldiers. They deceived you by pretending to be your comrades, but they are not your comrades anymore, for they have breached the law and regime. They have become militias in military uniform; they shave their beards and adorn themselves with the armed forces uniform. They are blocking the roads and assassinate citizens; they are also preventing students from attending their schools or universities. These are the people who advocate change. Yes, we do support change; we call for changing the entire corrupt forces. I, as head of state, am ready to sacrifice for the sake of the homeland. But you will remain here and will always be here even after my departure. You are the authority and the revolution’s safety valve all over the country. You are immune and protected from the false propaganda spread by the defector elements that have turned into bandits. If they had set up any [good] plan, they would not have blocked the roads; they would not have left their camps and used citizens and protesters to shield themselves. I call on them, from this place, to hand over the criminals, who have perpetrated the presidential mosque attacks, to refer them to the general prosecution. They have to understand that our blood, our martyrs, the disabled, and the wounded will not go in vain. So far, we have been dealing with them and with the remaining misled officers and soldiers as part of the military institution. We will not deprive them from their salaries, equipment, or requirements although they are receiving their supplies from other parties, from other places and they are holding their hands out like beggars. We and many other political forces are aware of their sources and their motives. Yemen will not fall. Yemen is united with its army and people. You have to understand the message of the Yemeni people every Friday at the Al-Sabain Square and all the squares across the governorates. Hear the message of the people addressed to you and to everybody else. This is the people; this is the army and security forces; whereas those who breach the security and law are a minority. We do not want to relay their history because we have too much pride and dignity to even mention them and their history and reveal their records. These records, whether these people were military or civilians, are loaded with shame and humiliation. We warn against repeating the attacks on any of the camps in Arhab and we tell those behind the attacks in Arhab and attacks on armed forces camps that they will be severely punished if they go any further with their acts against our officers and soldiers, particularly in Al-Sama and Furayjah, as well as Bayt Dahrah camp. That is enough! Look at what happened to us; look at what happened in Naqil Ibn-Ghaylan in Jawf. The punishment will be painful. This is the nation, this is the September, October, November, and 22 May nation; these are the men of the revolution. We are keen not to shed blood and we have so far been warning our soldiers and our valiant security forces, mainly the central security and police, of opening fire even if they were attacked. You have been attacked and have lost more than 2,000 martyrs. You have lost them because of the oppression and assaults carried out by the elements of hatred, treason, faultiness that have shown all these characteristics during the past days and months. I salute the fighters from the south to the north, the east to the west. I salute the courageous and valiant people, who will not compromise their loyalty. However, those who compromised their loyalty have left us and abandoned our camps, our institutions, and embassies; even if they were still in military uniform. They have abandoned us. I salute you once again. Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. Saba