President Saleh praises Al-Iman university, its students

SANA’A, Nov. 12(Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh paid on Sunday a visit to Al-Iman University confirming that the university does not belong to anyone, but to the country of Yemen which aspires this university to be the guide to spreading knowledge and correct ideas according tothe teachings of Islam. President Saleh delivered a speech expressing his pleasure to visit the university for the second time in one year. In his speech, president also addressed the students of the university on the past unstable history of Yemen when it was difficult to acquireknowledge compared to the current situation in stable and educated Yemen. “Hopefully we will take a good care of this university, not from the political viewpoint but from the human viewpoint,” Saleh Said. Saleh made it clear that the students of the university are looked at “as sons and not as a political issue to be dealt with as others want”. The president stressed on the variation of specializations, adding that it is not good to direct the whole country to one major. He said thatmost of the students graduated from Al-Iman University are majored inlaw. “We are ready to qualify them in field of judiciary, for instance”, said Saleh. Preisdent Saleh asserted that Yemen will forever refuses sectarian differences.”We do not allowed to categorize people as Sunnis, Shiites or Sufis forthis leads to divisions among people”. On the other hand, sheikh Abdul-Majid al-Zandani, who runs the university, welcomed in his speech president Saleh, lauding his interest and careof the university since its establishment. He briefed the university’s role in preparing and qualifying its affiliates to get high educational degrees so as to serve their country and religion,affirming that students are moderate and refuse extremism. AM/NS SABA