President Saleh meets palestinian security official

SANA’A,(Saba) – President of the Republic Ali Abdullah Saleh received Gen Gebril Al-Rajoub, Advisor to the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat for National Security. Rajoub conveyed to President Saleh a letter from his Arafat, dealing with developments of the Palestinian cause, and the Israeli terrorist and aggressive acts suffered by Palestinians and the inter-Palestinian dialogue. President Saleh reconfirmed Yemeni support for the Palestinian struggle in order to obtain their legal rights, and to establish their independent state on their land of which the city of al-Quds is the Capital.He emphasized on the continuity of the Palestinian-Palestinian dialogue. Rajoub submitted to President Saleh a gift presented from President Arafat.The present was an embodiment of the Holy Mosque of Al-Aqsa on which was written “Present from the Holiest Quds being under the yoke of occupation to the Arab Falcon President Ali Abdullah Saleh. KN/KM