President Saleh meets new ambassadors

SANA’A,(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Sunday credentials of a number of ambassadors to Yemen. President Saleh received credentials of the newly appointed Palestinian ambassador to Yemen Khaled Hassan al-Sheikh, Indonesian ambassador Kamas Fakhru-Dein, ambassador of Netherlands J.N. Planknebrah, ambassador of United Kingdom Michel J. Ford, ambassador of United States of America Thomas Charles Krajeski, Vietnamese ambassador Nguyen Quang Khai and the ambassador of Mexico Raol Lera Nava. President Saleh met separately with the new ambassadors and discussed with them the mutual relations between Yemen and their respective countries and the joint cooperation fields. The ambassadors conveyed good wishes of their presidents to President Saleh and explained their happiness to be in Yemen, saying they would work hard to develop and enhance the relations between Yemen and their countries. For his side, President Saleh welcomed them and affirmed that Yemen would make their mission easy. He also asked them to convey his greetings to their leaders and hoped further progress for their countries. JW/KM SABA