President Saleh meets Arab Parties Conference GM

President Saleh meets Arab Parties Conference GM SANA’A, July 11(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Sunday with the visiting General Manager of Arab Parties Conference Abdul-Aziz Al-Sayid Amin. During the meeting they talks on the role of Arab parties to enhance the Arab solidarity and enable the Arab nation to face challenges as well as push Arab countries toward real democracy. For his side, al-Sayid Amin praised Yemen’s achievements in terms of democracy,saying that the Yemeni experience of democratization is wonderful onein the region and it deserves appreciation and admiration. He praised president Saleh’s stand toward the nation’s issues and congratulatedpresident Saleh and Yemeni people on solving its boundaries issues withits neighbors by dialogue and brotherly understanding. JW/NS SABA