President Saleh: legitimacy is steadfast in front of challenges

SANA’A, March 26 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh has assured that the legitimacy is stable and steadfast in front of the challenges.This came during his meeting on Saturday with sheikhs, social figures, members of local councils and youth from Raymah province and Bani al-Hareth District of Sana’a province .President Saleh talked to the people of Raymah and Bani al-Hareth, valuing their courageous position and their sacrifices in defending the revolution, republic and the constitutional legitimacy.” We can not allow a minority to overcome the vast majority of the Yemeni people”, he said.He added “We are steadfast like mountains and will not be affected by any of these events”, pointing out that the Yemeni people have faced many of the challenges in the past and overcome them and will emerge from this crisis stronger.He noted to the suffering of the citizens of the crisis in gas and fuel due to those elements of Muslim brotherhood and their allies in the joint meeting parties (JMPs), who he said have cut off roads and prevented gas and fuel supplies and attacked electricity pylons.”We are making all efforts for dialogue ,and we hope that rational people respond to the dialogue, so as to safeguard the homeland and its security, stability and unity”, he added.The people of Ryamah and Bani al-Hareth confirmed that they stand by the constitutional legitimacy and security, stability and unity of the country.They expressed their full support to the principle of dialogue ,the legal demands of reforms ,the fight against corruption and the peaceful transfer of power through peaceful and democratic means.BA