President Saleh: investments to strengthen mutual Yemeni-Saudi

SANA’A,(Saba net)President Ali Abdullah Saleh maintains that Saudi investments in Yemen would strengthen the security and stability both on the bilateral and the regional levels. In an interview with the Saudi daily al-Youm published on Sunday, President Saleh said that only in the past the intrusions of foreign parties strained for a while the relations of the two brotherly countries. “We welcome Saudi investors, their investments will win all facilitations and care of the government,” he promised. In regards to the Jeddah historical treaty, President Saleh said it marked the beginning of a stage of broader exchanges and partnership. Asked about the impact of terrorism on investments, President Saleh said the October 2000 Cole and the October 2002 Limburg bombings “dealt blowsto investment” but the recent rebellion acts in Saada didn’t. He said the rare security problems such as the Saada rebellion “are normal incidents that happen everywhere else.” When asked if the government confronted Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi because of his anti-US and anti-Israel slogans, Saleh affirmed the offensive against al-Houthi was to prevent him from sparking a sectarian feud. As for the spree of hostage-taking in Iraq, Saleh said they were terror acts “that we condemn strenuously”. The clue of peace in the Mideast region in the viewpoint of President Saleh is “the enabling of the Palestinians to regain their rights and create their viable state with Jerusalem as its capital”. saba net