President Saleh inaugurates 242 service projects in Hodeida

HODEIDA, May 20 (Saba)- On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of unification celebrations, President Ali Abdullah Saleh inaugurated here on Saturday 242 service and investment projects with total cost of YR 224 billions. These projects include number of infrastructure, investment and service projects. Some of them will be officially inaugurated and some are underway and the foundation stones will be laid down for other ones.
The projects were distributed on public works, roads, electricity, telecommunications and information technology, education, sanitation, water, health, agricultural, industry and investment fields.
On the industrial and investment field, president Saleh lunched 15 projects. These projects aim to increase local production of oil.
Saleh addressed press men about the vital service projects and their in the development project.
” I,m satisfied of the projects what we lunched or put the foundation stones for in Hodeidah governorate that a total cost of YR 224 billions”Saleh said.
He described these projects as a great achievement that serve the development and reduce unemployment rate.
” I,m so glad to open these developmental projects that meet the needs of the citizen in different development and service sectors” Saleh added.

In a reply on question about the objective behind choosing the governorate for holding the 16th anniversary celebrations, Saleh said it is a developmental objective entirely as we held same celebrations before in Sana’a, Aden,Taiz, Mukalla and now in Hodeida to enhance the development process inthese governorates.