President Saleh calls Houthi’s rebellion a malignant milestone

SANA’A, August 16 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Monday called the rebellion led by Shiite cleric Hussein Badruddin al-Houhti in Saada “a malignant milestone.” In a meeting with social figures and MPs from Saada who gathered in the Police Club, President Saleh laid stress on the role of the MPs, chieftains and other high-profile figures in fighting extremism and ending al-Houthi’s “malignant milestone”. He emphasized importance of heightening up security measures but also ensuring the strict measures “don’t hinder the development momentum”. “The dominance of security would entail the end of the deviated ideas inspired by al-Houthi to some young people of Saada.” He deplored the radical supporters of al-Houthi for insulting the prophet of Islam Mohammed and his Companions and rejecting democracy and spurning the right of the people to be involved in governing their affairs. The visiting Saada citizens expressed their appreciation of the army’s “heroic reaction” to the rebellion in its infancy and quashing it. AA/KM