President Saleh calls all to protect Yemen against corruption and crises

ADEN, Dec. 20(Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended on Wednesday the conclusion of No. (2) Comprehensive Security Training Project theoretically practiced on the electronic map of security and military units. The project included Aden, Abyan, Lahj, Taiz and Al-Dalei in the period 10-20 December 2006. Saleh said the activities of the project were successful, praising coordination between security apparatuses to make security and stability in all governorates. “There is no development without security and stability and this is the responsibility of security institutions, armed forces and local authority,” said Saleh. If Allah will, we will have local police to be used by the local authority. The future recruiting will be local and the governor will head the security apparatus or security authority, said Saleh. He said that all security apparatuses would be handled by local authority like traffic police, passports authority, criminal investigation and other apparatuses. He excepted the central security forces that include the central political security and 0000. Moreover, Saleh said that “local authority” will be changed into “local government” which, according to Saleh, would enjoy more authorities. “The central authority will be responsible only for strategic plans related to national and political security,” said Saleh. The mission of the central authority will be planning, programming, controlling and auditing so that ministries can avoid being like police stations and general departments, said Saleh. People should habituate to refer to the local authority when it enjoys more authorities, so as to obtain more success in the local authority experience. President Saleh said the government would restructure the Public Authority for Investment and the General Authority of Free Zones in Aden according to the coming reforms program. The Public Authority for Investment impedes investors due to excessive bureaucracy, said Saleh. He also said that a specialized authority for fighting corruption would be set up soon. We will uproot corruption, so those leaderships that addicted corruption, wasting public funds, lie and fakeness should leave, Saleh warned. But he added that those leaderships should reform themselves or quickly leave away. He warned that the coming period will be “decisive” and everyone plays with public funds will be accurately controlled. “Controlling and auditing organizations must get going more properly and the legislative authority must take on its responsibilities quietly and to make field inspection to test performance of the executive authority,” said Saleh. President Saleh called upon “honest national powers and security, military, economic and political institutions to be more enthusiastic and ambiguous to keep the country’s security and stability. He pointed in his address to crises in some countries that space channels air every day. Our country is safe and stable so let us keep it and put it in our eyes. Thanks for leaderships in interior ministry, defense and all security men and armed forces who participated in this project, Saleh concluded. NS/NS