President Saleh attends symposium on Revolution

SANA’A, Oct 9, (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh, along with vice-president, attended the initiative session of the Yemeni Revolution symposium. The symposium is being organized by the morale guidance department of armed forces, and 26 September. At the symposium, president Saleh thanked the committee that organized the symposium. He said “I listened to the speech delivered by Ali Al-Salami in which he dealt with a number of facts about 14-October and 26-September immortal evolutions. We, in this activity, are eager to obtain information and facts about them, specially that most of those fought for them died, as martyrs, and the alive fighters are little. We have, therefore, to make good use of their existence in recording the history of Revolutions.” He insisted that the 26-septmber and 14-October are not, as some pretend to be, two separate Revolutions. They are, rather, one Revolution. As alive fighters know that men from the South rushed to Taiz and Al-Baidhah to defend 26-September Revolution. But ill people and residuals, being little, try to falsify truths. As the Revolution generation, aging 41, forms %75 of the Yemeni population and knows little about the Revolution. Therefore, fighters have to write about the Revolution history, since some do not, and will not, understand. He added “I am happy to see fighters from southern, western and northern governorates, and those who could not attend the opportunity is still available and they can. The morale guidance department has to welcome whoever has documents or facts about the Revolutions to be written down. I advise all strugglers to write the history of the Revolution, rater than their own struggling and adventures. They have to let others talk about them, for what they did is a national duty must be done by all. KN/NM SABA