President Saleh attends Popular and youth carnival in Hodeidah

HODIEDHA May 22 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended on
Monday’s evening the great popular and youth carnival that is held on
occasion of the 16th anniversary of the Yemeni unification.

The carnival attended by vice president Abduh Rabo Mansour Hadhi,
ParliamentSpeaker Sheikh Abdullah bin Hussein al-Ahmar, Prime
Minister Abdul QaderBa-Jammal and the Shura Council Chairman Abdul
Al-Aziz Abdul Ghani inaddition to top officials of the government.

The carnival attended also by the leaders of the civil society,
politicalparties and guests of Yemen from Arab and foreign countries
as well asmembers of diplomatic corps.

In the carnival, many popular sings and folk dances were preformed
whichreflected heritage of Yemen