President Saleh attends Orphan Day festival
SANA’A, 01April (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh attended Sunday Orphan Day festival organized by Arrahmah Corporation for Human Development. In the festival president Saleh delivered a speech in which he expressed happiness for attending the festival. He announced that the corporation would get a free piece of land for building houses for orphans in addition to increasing the government support from YR200,000 to 500,000 per a month. He also directed the government to allocate YR 500 million for the first stage of building the orphans houses. He argued donors to support this charitable and humanitarian project, confirming the government’s intention to establish a number of centers for orphans care in governorates lacking to such centers. President Saleh praised Arrahman Corporation and its chairperson for efforts exerted in serving orphans’ issues and providing necessary help. Then, board chairman of the corporation, Ruqaiyah al-Hajri, delivered a speech in which she explained how it is important to take care of orphans briefing the activity of the cooperation from receiving the orphans until bringing them up. She said that the number of beneficiaries is currently 400 male and female orphans and that the corporation is working to provide more services in future to 1000 orphans. In the end of the festival, the attending dignitaries and businessmen pledged to offer donations to the corporation. MS/NS SABA