President Saleh arrives in Rome

ROME, Nov 25 (Saba) – President Ali Abdullah Saleh arrived on Thursday in the Italian Capital Rome in an official visit at the invitation ofhis Italian counterpart Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. President Saleh was greeted at the Presidential Palace by President Ciampiand senior Italian officials. At the airport, Saleh was greeted by Arab ambassadors to Rome and the Italian Ambassador to Yemen Giacomo Sanflicede Monteforte. Upon arrival, President Saleh told reporters he would hold talks with Ciampi and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Chamber of Deputies Pier Ferdinando Casini, President of the Senate Marcello Pera and other government officials and businessmen. He said talks would focus on fields of common cooperation and issues of Palestine, Iraq, Somalia and terror fighting. “We are pleased with the consistent development of the Yemen-Italian historical relations,” Saleh said adding that Yemen signed the first commercial agreement with Italy in 1962. He confirmed the commitment of Yemen to push forward with the relations in the manner embodies the principles of partnership. “We know Italy has a significant foothold in (the policy of) the European Union, hence we look forward to its greater push for Roadmap-inspired comprehensive peace in the region and creation of a viable Palestinianstate with Al-Quds as its capital.” The President said fighting hunger and injustice would be crucial in fighting terror. AA/AASABA