President receives IFES’s Executive Director

p>SANA’A, May 11 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Monday the Executive Director of the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) Peter Williams. The president discussed with the IFES’s official cooperation in field of elections and democratic development, as well as means related to election system in Yemen. Williams acquitted Saleh with IFES’s activities in field of providing support to the Supreme Commission for Election and Referendum (SCER) and preparations for forthcoming parliamentarian elections. President Saleh highlighted efforts of IFES in Yemen for supporting SCER and improving electoral system in the light of previous experiences in Yemen and all positive experiences in the world in election field. He indicated that democracy is a way for construction and development must be practiced by peaceful means in the frame of respecting the constitution and the law and away of violence and disorder. MA Saba