President receives good wishes on unification day

ANA’A, May 21 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Saturday cables of good wishes from a number of world leaders on the fall of the unification anniversary, May 22. Congratulators included the United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan.”It gives me great pleasure to extend to you and to the Government and people of Yemen my warmest congratulations on the occasion of the National Holiday,” Annan’s cable read. “This is a crucial year in the life of our United Nations, a year in which we mark the 60th anniversary of the organization and conduct a five-year review of the Millennium Declaration, adopted in 2000 by all the world’s countries as a blueprint for building a better world in the 21st century.” Annan added: “Change and renewal are of course constant processes in any living institution. However, I see this year as more than that. I see it as a rare opportunity to come up with collective answers to threats that have come so starkly into focus over the past few years such as global terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and the enduring global challenges of poverty, hunger and disease.” President Ali Abdullah Saleh also received cables of congratulations from president of Poland Aleksandra Kwasniewski, and the president of the Republic of Gambia Alhaji Yahya Jammeh on the same occasion. AA/AH/AA SABA