President received letter from Eritrean president

SANA’A, Aug. 12 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh received on Saturday a letter from Eritrean President Isaias Afewerke concerning bilateral relations and fields of the mutual cooperation between the two countries. The letter, handed over by the secretary-general of the Eritrean Democratic and Popular Front for Justice Ameen Saeed, dealt with the latest developmentsin the region and African Horn, particularly the current situation in Somalia. In his letter, the Eritrean president affirmed the interest of his country to push bilateral relations with Yemen further in different fields through activating cooperation agreements signed between the two countries. In the meeting, president Saleh discussed with Eritrean officials horizons of boosting the mutual cooperation between the General People’s Congress party and the Front. President asked the official to convey his regards to the Eritrean president, wishing him and Eritrean people good health and further progress. AH/NS SABA